How to use the termbase

Enter a term you wish to search in the field in the upper left part of the home page and click on the Search button. A list of hits (entries starting with the given word) will appear below. By clicking on one of them, the entire entry will appear on the right side of the screen, with all the data that exist about the specific term.

Please note that you can enter the term in any language the base contains. (Nonetheless, by using English or Serbian, you increase the chances of the search being successful, since the terms are always given in these two languages). In addition, if you search a term in Serbian, you can enter it using either the Cyrillic or Latin script.

Typing in a simple query, without any special characters, you will get a list of hits in which the searched word is found at the beginning (e.g. if you enter the word language, you will get the simple term language, as well as complex terms that begin with the word language, e.g. language training).

You can also use special characters to search Evronim: If the searched term is underlined, that means that it can be found in Evroteka. By clicking on it, you will see the segments in Evroteka where this term appears.

Advanced search

Advanced search allows for the use of subject, reliability and relevant institution as additional search parameters.

Insert a sequence of characters you wish to search (query) and choose a type of search according to the position of the given sequence: You can search a term in any language that exists in the base, which you choose by selecting the source language in the Source language list (English is predefined). Furthermore, the results can be shown in one language, which should be chosen as the target language from the Target languages list, several languages (which you choose from the list by holding Ctrl while using the left click to select the languages you wish), or in all the languages in which the term exists in the base (option All languages, which is also predefined).

You can choose the subject area from which the term originates in the Subject list. You can choose all subjects (any), one subject, or several subjects (Ctrl + left click). In the same way, you can choose one or more reliability levels in the Target language reliability list.

To search by an institution that confirmed the term, type in the full name of the institution or the beginning of the name (e.g. “Агенција за”) using the Cyrillic script in the field Relevant institution.

Finally, in the Display list, you can choose whether you want only terms to be displayed (terms) or all fields describing the term (all fields).

When you set your search parameters, click the Search button next to the search field.

In advanced search, you can use special characters – %,*, ?, _, $ (e.g. if you want to see all terms from the subject of agricultural policy, with a high level of reliability, you should choose the subject agricultural policy, reliability 3 and 4, and type in % before the term in the search field).