EVROTEKA only contains English-Serbian segments, because English texts are used as source for the translation of the EU acquis into Serbian. The corpus can be searched in both languages (and both scripts of the Serbian language), and the result of the search is always bilingual. Searches can be made at word or phrase level.
Enter the search words in the field located in the upper left part of the home page and click on the Search button. Search results will appear on the right side of the screen: a segment containing the given search words, in two languages – English and Serbian, and the link to Evronim (termbase) if the given sequence of search words also makes up a term contained therein.
The results are ranked based on the quality of segments (the segment that has the highest level of reliability – 5, will be shown first). The header of each segment shows the ID of the document, i.e. the celex number of the document containing the given segment, which also represents a link to the given document in the EUR-Lex base. In addition, it shows the directory in which the document is found on EUR-Lex.
Typing in a simple query, without any special characters, you will get a list of hits in which the given word is found in any combination or position within that combination.
You can also use special characters to search Evroteka:
- _ (underscore), . (full stop) and ? (question mark) – which can replace any character in a word (e.g. if you type in organi_ation / organi.ation / organi?ation, you will get all entries containing variants of the words such as organisation/organization);
- % (percentage) and * (asterisk) – which can replace any number or sequence of characters (e.g. if you type in charter%rights or charter*rights, the list of hits will show the segments that contain combinations with added words that appear between the words charter and rights.